Frequently Asked Questions

geelong psychologist

To answer some of your initial queries we have compiled a short list of frequently asked questions and provided the appropriate answers below.

If you have any other questions related to our approach to treatment, our Geelong Psychologists or our clinic please give us a call on 0414 232 043

Why doesn’t Psychology Outcomes have an in-office receptionist?

Our focus is on helping our clients feel better faster and we want to put all our resources into assisting you to achieve that goal. We found the very best reception service that is data-driven, understands our tailored approach to therapy and can match our clients with the most effective Geelong Psychologist in our team. The only catch is the receptionist team lives in Melbourne! Rather than have them commute every day, this highly-trained receptionist team works off-site and can assist you anytime you call between Monday and Friday. Our lovely Psychologists will work with you to book your future sessions at the end of your therapy appointment. This means a personal touch to not only your therapy but your appointment bookings as well. Most Psychologists recommend booking up to 6 sessions in advance to ensure you have an appointment on a day and time that is consistent and suits you.

geelong psychologist receptionists

Can I book a therapy session via the website?

For new and existing clients, please contact us by phone 0414 232 043 or email to schedule your session.

How long are the therapy sessions at Psychology Outcomes?

Each of our sessions run for 50 minutes. This timeframe allows for a check-in on the progress of your well-being, therapy session and to schedule further appointments with your psychologist.

How are fees processed?

Information relevant to payment (debit/credit card), healthcare funds and government support benefits is confirmed prior to your first session and kept securely on file.

  • For Medicare patients: During your therapy session, your session fee is processed automatically with your Medicare rebate coming back to your nominated account.

  • For NDIS patients: During your therapy session, your session fee is processed automatically through the funding you have allocated.

  • For Work Cover patients: During your therapy session, an upfront fee of $255 is processed automatically via your debit/credit card. You are then able to claim your reimbursement back from Work Cover.