Anxiety Outcomes Therapy

Specialised care and evidence-based individual therapy for all adult anxiety disorders

anxiety treatment geelong

Our Anxiety Outcomes individual therapy in Geelong was developed as part of our broader Psychology Outcomes clinic, as we noticed many people with anxiety were getting matched to Psychologists who did not focus on anxiety treatment. 

Psychologists who focus on the treatment of anxiety 

All Psychologists in our Anxiety Outcomes team are passionate about getting relief for people suffering from anxiety. Whether you experience excessive worry, panic, not enough sleep or simply feel on edge or tense our Anxiety Outcomes therapy can help. We use state-of-the-art treatment methods, publishing our demonstrated outcomes. When you contact Psychology Outcomes you can be reassured that you are matched to one of our Psychologists that has extensive training and passion for helping create relief from anxiety.

Anxiety Outcomes individual therapy  

During your initial session with your Psychologist they will share with you how your anxiety keeps going and what cycles need to change to break free. Your Psychologist will tailor treatment for you using gold-standard skills from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and/or Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT).

anxiety treatment geelong

Reclaim your confidence 

Psychology Outcomes is proud to provide a safe place for you to talk and be listened to non-judgmentally. Reclaim your confidence from the following anxiety issues:

  • Panic attacks

  • Worry or feeling like your mind “won’t stop”

  • Feeling “on edge” or “tense” most of the time

  • Poor sleep due to anxiety

  • Phobias

  • Social anxiety

  • Agoraphobia (not leaving the house often due to anxiety)

Anxiety Outcomes will give you the skills to change your life for the better. Gain the confidence to get you feeling better faster from your anxiety.

Contact our Geelong Psychology clinic on 0414 232 043, book an appointment or email to ask any questions you have about Anxiety Outcomes.

Experienced Psychologists

The Psychology Outcomes team consists of seasoned Psychologists dedicated to enhancing the well-being of individuals facing anxiety challenges. Our team members have written books and published articles on cutting-edge treatments that provide the best possible client outcomes for anxiety treatment.

Furthermore, many of our Geelong Psychologists train other professionals on best-practice ways to improve anxiety. In fact, some even act as Supervisors to others Psychologists assisting in challenging cases to ensure everyone suffering from anxiety get results.