Exposure and Response Prevention therapy for OCD

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) has been ranked among the ten most debilitating disorders by the World Health Organization. Characterised by intrusive, distressing thoughts and repetitive behaviours that are difficult to control, OCD was historically thought untreatable. However, over the last few decades, psychologists have seen significant success in OCD symptom reduction using Exposure and Response Prevention therapy. 

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) explained

People with OCD repeat specific behaviours compulsively, attempting to rid themselves of unpleasant feelings or thoughts. Sadly, the compulsions and obsessions that people with OCD deal with tend to be time-consuming, which impacts their daily functioning. Thankfully Exposure and Response Prevention therapy can help those dealing with OCD. 

What is Exposure and Response Prevention therapy?

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy ultimately aims to experience unpleasant thoughts and feelings without using avoidant behaviours. The treatment involves facing a fear or feared item (the ‘exposure’) in real life or through imagination work to resist the compulsive avoidant behaviour (‘response prevention’). 

What does ERP look like in practice?

Falling under the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy umbrella, ERP has two components:

  • Exposure - a trained psychologist helps a person with OCD safely confront situations, objects or thoughts that trigger their obsessive fears. 

  • Response Prevention - a psychologist assists the individual in refraining from engaging in compulsive rituals that typically reduce their discomfort once triggered. 

It’s important to note that ERP is practised in a graduated way building up to the most fearful situations for a client. By repeatedly practising the same situation until the client feels capable of experiencing it without needing their compulsive rituals to calm themselves. 

The goal of ERP is to free individuals from the cycle of obsessive thoughts and compulsions so they can live their best life. 

Who should undertake Exposure and Response Prevention therapy?

Anyone who repeatedly uses repetitious, time-consuming avoidant behaviours to avoid dealing with certain feelings, thoughts, and situations may benefit from ERP therapy. 

Help for OCD from Geelong psychologists

If you have questions about how Exposure and Response Prevention therapy could help you with your OCD, contact our Highton psychology clinic by calling 0414 232 043 or emailing reception@psychologyoutcomes.com to book an appointment


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